14 Mart 2015 Cumartesi

Data wareHouse vs Big Data

Nowadays,everyone talks about big data.But in fact there is no certain definition for big data.From the most of the popular definitions ,I prefer to use 3V definition that says Volume,Velocity and Variety.

 These three parts must be in data creating process.If one of the them doesn't exist ,we can't be called data as Big.What about data wareHouse,it has also really big volume may be variety but velocity must be missing.

Data wareHouse keeps data historically.On the other hand,real time data can't calculate using data wareHouse concepts.

Especially,telecommunication,bank and other companies need real time data to decide for instant returns.On that point social media and log data can't be processing with these system.
Big data technologies came out to solve these problems.

On of the best open source solution for Big data is Hadoop.

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